Happy employees, happy customers

Article written by Christine Goehler



  • Employer Brand
  • Corporate strategy

“The communications department has been playing with the colours again. No wonder as they don’t have anything else to do,”

says the employee, explaining the new corporate identity to the customer and laying the printed website information on the table in front of him.

Not exactly what was expected from the company’s new orientation in the area of digital transformation. The example shows well that a company positioning can only ever be implemented holistically.

“Happy employees ensure happy customers. And happy customers ensure happy shareholders – in that order.” (Simon Sinek)

If the employees are not on board, you have already lost. The credibility of the company suffers immensely in situations like the one described above. And credibility of a company is one of the most important buying criteria in addition to product and price. But a strong (employer-) brand is also a prerequisite for attracting and retaining skilled workers.

Turnover in company is increasing

The labor market has become more flexible. The balance of power is changing more and more in favor of employees. A secure job – even with the Corona pandemic – is no longer the main criteria when looking for a new job. 34% of Swiss companies say that employee turnover has been steadily increasing in recent years. And salary alone has also long ceased to be the decisive factor in choosing an employer.

This means that employers are now challenged to make themselves attractive (and visible) to employees in more ways than one.


Companies pay higher salaries when they are weak

According to a 2020 study by Randstad in Switzerland, 50% of respondents say they wouldn’t work for a company with a bad reputation – even if they paid more. And 96% agree that the alignment of personal values with the company culture is a key factor in the satisfaction of working there. And the other way around: companies pay salaries that are up to 10% too high if they don’t have a strong brand. If, on the other hand, a company has a strong employer brand, they record up to twice as fast a filling of their advertised positions.

This is yet another reason to take a closer look at your company’s positioning. Here, too, a clearly defined positioning and appropriate implementation can help you deal with the challenges a changing labour market has to offer.

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